French Chocolate Custard




This custard may be used in trifle and other similar recipes.  It may be mixed with whipped cream to fill puff pastries such as cream puffs and éclairs.


1        cup               sugar

¼       cup               cocoa

2        Tbl                flour

2        Tbl                cornstarch

½       tsp                kosher salt

3        cups             milk

2                            egg yolks, slightly beaten

2        tsp                vanilla

2        tsp                butter

1        cup               whipped cream (optional)


Mix sugar, cocoa, flour, cornstarch and salt in medium saucepan.  Gradually stir in milk.  Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture thickens and begins to boil.  Cook and stir 2 minutes longer until mixture boils briskly.  Remove from heat and stir until mixture just stops boiling.  Add about 4 spoonfuls of hot mixture to egg yolks, stir and return to hot mixture.  Stirring constantly, bring mixture back to slow boil.  Remove from heat and add vanilla and butter while still stirring.  Pour into 9 inch pie pan.  Cool to room temperature, or cover with plate and place in refrigerator to chill for use later.


For puff pastry filling such as cream puffs or éclairs, fold in whipped cream just before filling pastries.