Group Tomball DX’ers (GTDX) announce their Second Annual DXpedition. This year the group consisting of Cal White WF5W, Keith Dutson NM5G, Madison Jones W5MJ and Paul Frantz W5PF, will visit the Falkland Islands. They will arrive on Saturday November 20th and leave on Saturday December 4th. Activity will include an entry in the CQWW DX contest as VP8WWW.


During the rest of their stay the group will be active on all bands from 80M through 10M, with the possibility of 6 meters depending on conditions. WARC bands will be emphasized and there will be activity on RTTY and PSK. Individual call signs will be issued upon arrival in Stanley. QSL all calls via W5PF. The group will have two Kenwood TS-480HX transceivers. Amplifiers are not permitted so this will be a low power operation.


Operation will be on or near the following frequencies:


            CW - 3503/3523, 7003/7023, 10103, 14023, 18073, 21023, 24893, 28023, 50103


SSB - 3795, 7055, 14195/14260, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28480, 50103


RTTY - 7035, 10133, 14083, 18101, 21083, 24920 and 28083


PSK - 7035/7080, 10143, 14071, 18101, 21071, 24920 and 28120


This information may be changed in the future, including during operation. Please check for latest updates.


Last update: 10-Nov-2004, 1618 UTC